Spare phones management
Picture: Spare phones management
With MOBOS it is easy to keep track of substitute phones given to a client while their phone is being serviced. Every good mobile phone service should be able to provide substitute phones for their clients as phones are irreplaceable in any business nowadays. In case their phone needs to be serviced another phone should be given to them in the meantime. To make this all easy and simple MOBOS allows you to keep track of substitute phones that are borrowed to a client as well as of number of phones available for clients. If a phone is borrowed to a client it is no longer on available phone list. Checking, editing and deleting of this list is possible by clicking icon which is below Spare ph. The list of available phones is accessible while creating new accounts because information about type of a phone given to a client can be filled in an account.
New spare phone
Picture: Add new spare phone
Adding a substitute phone can be done in one of two ways. First one is by clicking which is below Spare ph in MOBOS homepage. This will open a new window where we fill in information about substitute phone. After it is done clicking will allow us to save the information. Another way is to click and then click . This will open a new window where necessary information about substitute phone is filled in. This is easily done because MOBOS contains all phone brands and models in a drop menu where we choose the appropriate one. In case desired brand and model do not exist, it can be filled in by clicking icon located right of brand and model field.